No. 1 Portal For Bharat Sarkar Yojna

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DMCA Policy

This policy applies to the website and explains how we handle copyright infringement claims.

Before You File a Complaint

If you’re not sure whether the content you’re reporting is actually infringing, you might want to consult with a lawyer first. The DMCA requires you to provide personal information in your complaint. If you’re worried about privacy, you can ask an agent to file the complaint for you.

How to Report Infringement

If you believe that any content on our website violates your copyright, you can submit a complaint. Your complaint must follow the DMCA guidelines. We’ll review it for accuracy and completeness. If everything checks out, we may remove or limit access to the content in question.

If we take any action based on your complaint, we’ll try to notify the user who posted the content.

Policy Updates

We may update this policy at any time. When we do, we’ll post the changes on our website. Continued use of our site after changes means you agree to the updated policy.

Contact Us

To report copyright infringement, visit our Contact Us page or email us at

Please give us 2-5 business days to respond.